Kupah Healthy https://kupahealthy.com/blog/ IN NATURE IS EVERYTHING Wed, 02 Feb 2022 10:29:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://i0.wp.com/kupahealthy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Kupah-Healthy-icono.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Kupah Healthy https://kupahealthy.com/blog/ 32 32 175473294 El Café y propóleo para el resfriado https://kupahealthy.com/blog/el-cafe-y-el-propoleo-para-combatir-el-resfriado/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=el-cafe-y-el-propoleo-para-combatir-el-resfriado Wed, 02 Feb 2022 10:28:14 +0000 https://kupahealthy.com/blog/?p=1402 El Café y propóleo para el resfriado ¿Cuál es una de las primeras cosas que hacemos cuando nos levantamos todas las mañanas? Más del 50% de la población adulta empieza ...

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El Café y propóleo para el resfriado

¿Cuál es una de las primeras cosas que hacemos cuando nos levantamos todas las mañanas? Más del 50% de la población adulta empieza con una taza de café. Café y propóleo para el resfriado, ¿crees en ello?

Para muchos este proceso de tomar café según se despiertan es una rutina, por lo tanto, si quitan de su día a día, la energía decrece. Ya que el café proporciona otros muchísimos beneficios a parte de la estimulación tanto creativa como mental. 

A pesar de la creencia de nuestros ancestros de que el café era psicodélico. La mayoría de estudios publicados revelan que el consumo de este producto causa una mejora de las funciones cognitivas. Nos ayudan a trabajar mejor y, en algunos casos, incluso ayuda a ciertos ejercicios físicos reduciendo la fatiga.

De hecho, los efectos energizantes del café la mayoría de las veces pueden ser positivos en nuestro cerebro.

Dicho lo anterior, la cafeína no solo estimula el sistema nervioso, sino que también ayuda a interactuar y activar nuestras neuronas. La gente que consume más cafeína, desarrolla mejor el pensamiento, razonamiento y atención en general.

Una vez dicho esto, os contaremos el por qué de consumir café con propolis y equinacea. Como hemos comentado, el café es muy beneficioso, pero… ¿y si añadimos al café propolis y equinacea? ¿te gustaría probar el concepto de Café y propóleo para el resfriado?

Como todos sabéis, en invierno hay temperaturas muy bajas y es muy fácil coger un resfriado o un catarro.

Esto te obliga a tomar medidas para combatir contra este.

Debido a que el propóleo es una medicina natural de olor dulce, y color pardo. Este producto es producido por las abejas para tapar los huecos que se van produciendo en sus colmenas.

Tanto el café como el elemento del propóleo te pueden ser de mucha ayuda.

Ambos tienen un efecto sanador y además de ser natural están muy buenos.

Además, el propóleo se utiliza en bastantes campos de la medicina.

De esta forma, una de ellas es disminuir los síntomas del catarro hasta hacerlo desaparecer por completo porque el sistema inmunológico se defiende mejor frente a los catarros ya que el propóleo produce anticuerpos para combatir contra los virus del catarro.

Los expertos sugieren tomar café una hora antes de hacer ejercicio para ayudarnos a tener el cuerpo en buenas condiciones y con menos fatiga. En realidad, hay expertos que incluso sugieren tomar el café con panela.

La panela es el azúcar extraído directamente de la caña de azúcar, sin refinar, ni blanquear, es decir, totalmente natural.

Es por esto que en KUPAH hemos creado el café con propóleo y equinácea. Tomando un vaso de este café con propóleo puedes evitar los efectos tan molestos  de un buen resfriado.

Sin embargo, no afirmaremos que desaparecerá tu catarro, pero si acostumbras a tomar este producto, puedes prevenir el acatarrarte tan a menudo.

Como el propóleo proviene de las abejas, se intenta cuidarlas más, ya que este producto como otros muchos pueden salir de ellas.

De esta forma, las abejas son parte de nuestro ecosistema y hay que velar por mantenerlas.

Para aquellas personas que por prescripción médica o porque prefieren un descafeinado, tenemos el producto ideal. Tal y como hemos dicho, el café molido descafeinado de Kupah contiene propolis y equinacea.

Esto ayuda a que nuestras defensas sean en consecuencia, más resistentes frente a infecciones, y de hecho, como hemos. mencionado anteriormente, la equinácea tiene beneficios sobre las vías respiratorias, las defensas y el sistema inmune. 

¡Sin duda este producto no podrá desaparecer nunca de nuestras vidas!

Por esto mismo, si quieres unirte y probar este producto puedes encontrarlo en Amazon pinchando aquí.

Por último, si quieres saber más sobre nosotros y nuestros cafés, pincha aquí.

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Enemy number 1: stress https://kupahealthy.com/blog/enemy-number-1-stress/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=enemy-number-1-stress Wed, 25 Aug 2021 07:40:06 +0000 https://kupahealthy.com/blog/?p=1397 Enemy number 1: stress. September is here, back to work and back to school. Post-holiday stress imminent… Don’t worry!If you live with high levels of stress, you are putting your ...

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Enemy number 1: stress. September is here, back to work and back to school. Post-holiday stress imminent… Don’t worry!
If you live with high levels of stress, you are putting your entire well-being at risk.

Stress can create a physical, hormonal and mental imbalance. It reduces your ability to think clearly, sleep well, function effectively and enjoy life. It’s not all about running, sometimes you need to take a break. It may seem like there’s nothing you can do about stress anymore.

You have much more control than you think.

The ultimate goal is to have a balanced life. To have time for work, love, friendship, relaxation and fun, as well as the ability to face challenges.

We are going to help you. Let us surprise you with some tips and natural products that, despite not being a medicine, can help you.

To begin with, learn to identify what is causing your stress. Just as when something worries us, everything has a reason, a raid, and it is very important to identify it because in this way you can learn to manage your concern or cause of stress in another way.

  1. Learn how to say NO. Many times we accept situations because of the embarrassment of not knowing how to say no, and these situations can cause us anxiety and stress.
  2. Let’s get those negative people out of our lives. Many times we really want to do something, and we have negative people next to us that prevent us from following our goals, forget about those people and follow your goals!
  3. Take a break. Weekends are for resting, we take the opportunity to make different plans, enjoy your free time. Don’t accept extra loads on your vacation days.
  4. Take control of your environment. If the evening news makes you anxious, turn off the TV. Maybe traffic makes you tense? take a longer but less-traveled route. If going to the market is an unpleasant chore, do your grocery shopping online.
  5. Create a daily gratitude list. I started this routine a while ago and it improved my negative outlook tremendously. Take a notebook, and list the days of the month. Each day you will rate from 1 to 10 how your day went, and with it three things that went well. You will see how little by little, you will become more positive.

Finally, we inform you that there are very good products for stress on the market. This is the case of Kupah’s “STRESS RELIEF” coffee.
It contains Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) that appears to be effective in inducing calming and reducing anxiety.
And Passionflower, that is used for anxiety; some people take passionflower for insomnia and stress relief.

There is an idea that coffee accelerates people, and indeed, it has been proven to be so in many cases. But, this coffee, by using Melissa and Passiflora, is thought to lighten the stress and nervousness caused by the ingestion of coffee.
It would therefore be a good way to start a day if your goal is to reduce stress. And do you know how it works even better? If you combine it with all the tips explained above.


Above all, in Kupah Healthy we are always striving to promote a healthier, more organic quality of life for people.

With Kupah Healthy you can make the most of this amazing coffee plant while indulging your taste buds with pleasant flavors.   Order coffee at the comfort of home and stay safe!

Reed more about us by clicking on this link.

The post Enemy number 1: stress appeared first on Kupah Healthy.

Quick & easy coffee recipes https://kupahealthy.com/blog/quick-easy-coffee-recipes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=quick-easy-coffee-recipes Tue, 03 Aug 2021 10:29:56 +0000 https://kupahealthy.com/blog/?p=1388 We have Quick & easy coffee recipes that will surprise and delight you in all areas. We have some delicious coffee cookies and an ice cream for this hot summer.If ...

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We have Quick & easy coffee recipes that will surprise and delight you in all areas. We have some delicious coffee cookies and an ice cream for this hot summer.
If your goal is to surprise your friends, what better way than preparing these two recipes.
Keep reading if you are interested in preparing these Quick & easy coffee recipes and leave your family or friends surprised…

Ground coffee cookies:

Ingredients to make 12 cookies:
250 gr of whole wheat flour
120 hr brown sugar
100 gr butter
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 egg
1 small cup of coffee.

Add the butter, brown sugar and one egg to a bowl. Stir until the ingredients are integrated. Then add the coffee cup, flour, baking powder and vanilla.
We place balls of this mixture on a tray with parchment paper and add nuts and chocolate.
Finally we bake the dough at 130 degrees for 15 minutes.

Delicious coffee ice cream recipe:

We are going to show you how to make this delicious coffee ice cream recipe por 2 persons‼🍨
250 ml whipping cream
290 ML condensed milk
3 packets of Kupah instant coffee.

Whip the whipping cream with the coffee sachets. Once it has a creamy texture, add the condensed milk and beat gently.

Place in a glass container and let stand for one day in the refrigerator and ENJOY THE SUMMER!!! 🕶🕶

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–As you all know, coffee is used all over the world for its different properties. We have decided not only to use it in drinkable form but also to use it for multiple purposes such as culinary use. These two recipes are very simple, take a very short preparation time, and have an extraordinary flavor.

Thanks to coffee we get to be more active in case we need a little boost in our day to day. There is a routine already created around coffee, but thanks to these recipes you will continue consuming coffee, but in a more fun and even more attractive way since it takes us out of that monotony.

Above all, in Kupah Healthy we are always striving to promote a healthier, more organic quality of life for people.

With Kupah Healthy you can make the most of this amazing coffee plant while indulging your taste buds with pleasant flavors.   Order coffee at the comfort of home and stay safe!

Reed more about us by clicking on this link.

The post Quick & easy coffee recipes appeared first on Kupah Healthy.

Guarana and Its Many Benefits and Uses https://kupahealthy.com/blog/guarana-and-its-many-benefits-and-uses/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=guarana-and-its-many-benefits-and-uses Tue, 20 Jul 2021 10:22:51 +0000 https://kupahealthy.com/blog/?p=1384 Guarana is a climbing plant native to the Amazon. When ripe, a guarana fruit is the size of a coffee berry, with a red shell enclosing a black seed covered ...

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Guarana is a climbing plant native to the Amazon. When ripe, a guarana fruit is the size of a coffee berry, with a red shell enclosing a black seed covered by a white ring.
As a supplement, guarana seeds are used without the outer covering. In most cases, it is roasted and a brown powder is obtained, rich in caffeine and tannins that are astringent and anti-inflammatory.

where the properties of guarana come from?

Both in herbal medicine and in our food industry, the richness of vitamins provided by guarana is highly valued. So it is present in most if not all energy drinks we consume, and in tablets designed to eliminate fatigue.
So much so, that this seed contains more caffeine than any other plant in the world, stimulating the central nervous system, causing the release of adrenaline, and increasing the capacity for physical exertion.

If you want to know more about the properties that guayana has, continue reading…

What Are the Properties of This Plant?

As we have already mentioned, guarana is known above all for its energizing properties; this plant has a high caffeine content, as well as catechins. This provides the seeds with stimulating effects that act on our central nervous system, helping to improve performance.

But… didn’t you know that it has all these properties that we will tell you now?

  • Analgesic: the seeds of the plant have analgesic properties that help to combat pain sensations.
  • Satiating
  • Antioxidant
  • It takes care of heart health improving our blood circulation.
  • Promotes digestion

Enjoy Guarana Now with Kupah Healthy

The conclusion is that guarana is a climbing plant native to the Amazon, which achieves among many other benefits, to keep us more active in case we need a little boost in our day to day life.

Above all, in Kupah Healthy we are always striving to promote a healthier, more organic quality of life for people through phytotherapeutic treatments (use of extracts of natural origins as health-promoting agents). This is why we cannot stop recommending moringa as a healthful and appealing supplement.

With Kupah Healthy you can make the most of this incredible plant while pleasing your palate with agreeable flavors. Try our guarana products now and boost your immune system to ward off unexpected diseases and illnesses.  Order Guaraná at the comfort of home and stay safe!

The post Guarana and Its Many Benefits and Uses appeared first on Kupah Healthy.

Caffeine: Everything you need to know https://kupahealthy.com/blog/caffeine-everything-you-need-to-know/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=caffeine-everything-you-need-to-know Mon, 21 Jun 2021 11:15:33 +0000 https://kupahealthy.com/blog/?p=1376 Caffeine: everything you need to know. Caffeine is a natural substance that can be extracted from plants. Natural sources of caffeine are coffee beans, tea leaves and cocoa beans. Caffeine ...

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Caffeine: everything you need to know. Caffeine is a natural substance that can be extracted from plants. Natural sources of caffeine are coffee beans, tea leaves and cocoa beans.

Caffeine begins to affect your body very quickly. It reaches a peak blood level within 30 to 60 minutes. Caffeine can remain in your body for a long time.

Coffee accounts for 54% of the world’s caffeine consumption, and tea accounts for another 43%. On any given day, about 85% of Americans consume caffeinated products. The average daily consumption of caffeine by adults in the United States is about 300 mg per person.

Caffeine is a product that has both positive and negative effects. These effects depend on the amount of caffeine consumed and when it is consumed, if you are interested in learning everything you need to know about caffeine read on…

Pros and cons of caffeine


The reason most people are so dependent on caffeine is because it gives them energy. Indeed, this often translates to better performance at school and work and moderate caffeine intake even improves mental health sometimes.

Long term health benefits

Contrary to the belief that coffee causes long-term harm to your health, studies have found that regular coffee drinkers had lower risks of cardiovascular disease, liver cancer, and more.

Not just for coffee lovers

Caffeine now comes in many forms for those who don’t enjoy the taste of coffee. You can get your dose in teas, sugary lattes, and even chocolate! But…


Interferes with sleep

Consuming caffeine within 6 hours of your bedtime has been shown to disrupt sleep. Getting enough sleep is already a problem for many students and if caffeine isn’t already part of the problem, it certainly won’t help.

Despite not all caffeine is equal

Most studies about the health benefits of coffee refer to black coffee. The sugar and fat in lattes, sodas, energy drinks, and caffeinated candy bars are not good for your overall health, especially on a regular basis. And while tea has its own benefits, it does not share all the perks of coffee and doesn’t contain nearly as much caffeine.

Make the Most of Moringa with Healthy Moderation

As we have explained, caffeine has many benefits as well as some disadvantages, but, in KUPAH we have the perfect products if you are worried that it will alter you a lot, producing a stressful situation.

We offer you Stress Relief coffee, which is a coffee made with Melissa and Passionflower.
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) seems to be effective in inducing calm and reducing anxiety. Passionflower is used for anxiety, some people take passionflower for insomnia and stress relief.

Kupah Healthy wants you to lead a healthier, more organic life. Through phytotherapeutic treatments (use of extracts of natural origins as health-promoting agents) we believe we can achieve a greater wellbeing along with a greater quality of life.

We cannot stop recommending moringa as a healthful and appealing supplement to achieve this goal. With Kupah Healthy you can make the most of this incredible plant while pleasing your palate with agreeable flavors. Do not let unexpected maladies or diseases catch you off guard. Order our Melissa and Pasiflora made coffee at the comfort of home and stay safe!

Next blog by clicking here.

The post Caffeine: Everything you need to know appeared first on Kupah Healthy.

What’s the Difference Between Cleanse and Detox Diets? https://kupahealthy.com/blog/whats-the-difference-between-cleanse-and-detox-diets/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=whats-the-difference-between-cleanse-and-detox-diets Mon, 14 Jun 2021 10:22:24 +0000 https://kupahealthy.com/blog/?p=1371 Now that summer is coming,we all are interested and obsessed with diets. But there is a general lack of knowledge of what each diet is for or what they want ...

The post What’s the Difference Between Cleanse and Detox Diets? appeared first on Kupah Healthy.

Now that summer is coming,we all are interested and obsessed with diets.

But there is a general lack of knowledge of what each diet is for or what they want to achieve.

Today we will tell you what is the difference between cleanse the detox diets, as both are often confused.

It is not easy to differentiate between detox diets and cleansing diets because neither method has a standard, scientific definition. In fact, there is an important difference between the two. Still, we will explain how each works, and the differences between them.

Both cleanse diets and detox diets and are intended for short-term use, usually lasting between one and 30 days.

Read on if you want to know more…

Detox diets focus on eliminating toxins.

Detox diets usually focus on the idea that the body needs help to eliminate harmful substances, or toxins, from its system that may be impairing optimal health.

In many cases, we mistakenly employed this diet with the idea and goal of radical weight loss.

Detox diets usually involve very strict dietary regimens that may include fasting, herbal supplements, laxatives, enemas and elimination of many foods.

Some of them also aim to detoxify specific organs, such as the liver, kidneys or colon.

Although weight loss may be one of the goals of some detox diets, they most often target a wide range of physical ailments, such as:

  • Allergies
  • Digestive problems
  • Acne and rashes
  • Sleep problems

Although detoxifications are still very popular, there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of this type of dietary regimen.

Cleansing diets focus on healthy foods.

Some cleansing diets work much like detox diets and involve strict (or not always so strict) dietary modifications and supplements.

Typically, cleansing diets focus on eliminating unhealthy or highly allergenic foods and replacing them with whole, nutrient-rich foods to promote overall health.

If you use the cleansing diet for weight loss, keep in mind that these diets can also be used to treat various digestive problems or food cravings.

Foods that are often eliminated as part of a cleansing diet are:

  • Sugar
  • Processed foods
  • Corn
  • Gluten

Whatever you decide, remember that the correct way to be healthy is not about making 20 diets, but having a balanced diet of whole foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grains and legumes, making exercise, not overindulging in food or drink or any other substances.

An easy way to lose weight without suffering

If your goal is to lose weight, what we can provide is our Slim coffee, which contains a plant called Garcinia, whose best known effect is the satiating effect, which helps you feel fuller, and as a result, you will eat less, so you will lose weight taking a product that you usually already consume, coffee.

Click here if you want to know about Moringa Tree: Side Effects and Risks

The post What’s the Difference Between Cleanse and Detox Diets? appeared first on Kupah Healthy.

Can Garcinia Cambogia Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat? https://kupahealthy.com/blog/can-garcinia-cambogia-help-you-lose-weight-and-belly-fat/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=can-garcinia-cambogia-help-you-lose-weight-and-belly-fat Sun, 24 May 2020 01:06:22 +0000 https://kupahealthy.com/blog/?p=1359 This article reveals whether garcinia cambogia can help you lose weight and belly fat. Garcinia Cambogia also known as Malabar tamarind, is one such fruit from South East Asia, offer ...

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This article reveals whether garcinia cambogia can help you lose weight and belly fat.

Garcinia Cambogia also known as Malabar tamarind, is one such fruit from South East Asia, offer weight loss benefits by blocking the body’s ability to store fat and even suppressing appetite suppressant for weight loss.

It has many presentation, one of them is extract and pills as a supplement, it can also be added to other products such as coffee learn more about our Kupah Slim Coffee

Does It help to Weight Loss?

Studies in rats show that those given garcinia cambogia supplements tend to eat less

Similarly, some human studies have found that garcinia cambogia suppresses appetite and makes you feel full

Since serotonin is a known appetite suppressant, higher blood levels of serotonin could reduce your appetite (22Trusted Source).

Most importantly, garcinia cambogia impacts blood fats and the production of new fatty acids.

Human and animal studies show that it may lower high levels of fat in your blood and reduce oxidative stress in your body.

One study also suggests it may be especially effective at reducing the accumulation of belly fat in people who are overweight

In one study, moderately obese people took 2,800 mg of garcinia cambogia daily for eight weeks and drastically improved several risk factors for disease :

  • Total cholesterol levels: 6.3% lower
  • “Bad” LDL cholesterol levels: 12.3% lower
  • “Good” HDL cholesterol levels: 10.7% higher
  • Blood triglycerides: 8.6% lower
  • Fat metabolites: 125–258% more excreted in the urine

The main reason for these effects may be that garcinia cambogia inhibits an enzyme called citrate lyase, which plays an important role in the production of fat.

By inhibiting citrate lyase, garcinia cambogia is thought to slow or block fat production in your body. This may reduce blood fats and lower your risk of weight gain — two major disease risk factors.

Garcinia cambogia may suppress appetite. It also blocks the production of new fats in your body and has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and blood triglycerides in overweight people

What other benefits does Garcinia Cambogia offer?

Animal and test-tube studies suggest that garcinia cambogia may also have some anti-diabetes effects, including:

  • Decreasing insulin levels
  • Decreasing leptin levels
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Improving blood sugar control
  • Increasing insulin sensitivity

Additionally, garcinia cambogia could boost your digestive system. Animal studies suggest that it helps protect against stomach ulcers and reduce damage to the inner lining of your digestive tract.


Garcinia cambogia is a fruit-derived supplement taken to boost weight loss, however some others studies disagree on its effectiveness.

Some research shows that it may cause slightly more weight loss than not taking any supplement. This effect is unconfirmed but promising.

The positive impacts of garcinia cambogia on blood fats may be its best benefit.

That said, if you really want to lose weight, you might have to combine your diet, lifestyle and add exercise.

The post Can Garcinia Cambogia Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat? appeared first on Kupah Healthy.

How Should I Take Moringa Diet-Wise? https://kupahealthy.com/blog/how-should-i-take-moringa-diet-wise/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-should-i-take-moringa-diet-wise Tue, 28 Apr 2020 20:51:40 +0000 https://kupahealthy.com/blog/?p=1349 There are endless ways to incorporate the nutritious Moringa into your diet without changing either your routine or the flavor of your meals. Moringa oleifera, also known as drumstick or ...

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There are endless ways to incorporate the nutritious Moringa into your diet without changing either your routine or the flavor of your meals.

Moringa oleifera, also known as drumstick or horseradish tree, has gained popularity as a new “superfood” for its nutritious profile and outstanding medicinal properties and health benefits. It is a unique plant because almost all parts of it, except in certain cases, can be used as a source for nutrition and health

The best presentation to use this power plant is as leaves or powder. In other words, the leaves and powder are the most ideal form for consumption.  

How to Incorporate and Take Moringa Into Your Diet

There are a thousand and one ways to consume moringa. However, before we begin, you should know the basics. First and foremost, powder forms of the plant are usually considered safe for consumption in any reasonably ingestible amount. Experts suggest aiming for two to ten grams per day—unless you are pregnant or trying to be, in which case, you should consult your doctor ahead of time. It is worth mentioning that root consumption is not advisable. Furthermore, the seeds and seed oil demand further research, exercise caution with these parts of the plant. With that important knowledge out of the way, let’s dive into our ideas on how to take this superfood:

  • Stir it into water
  • Steep it as a tea or blend
  • Mix it into smoothies or juice
  • Sprinkle it into soup
  • Take it as a supplement with tablets
  • Bake it into brownies, muffins or bread
  • Add moringa to your homemade salad dressing

As you can see, there are many ways you can enjoy the “miracle tree”, all you have got to do is choose whichever way suits you and the occasion the best.  Just 100 grams of fresh moringa leaves could be more than enough for your daily needs of this plant providing protein, vitamin C, calcium, iron, and vitamin A.

When to Take Moringa oleifera?

There is no specified time to take moringa and enjoy it, just as there is not a “right time” to eat a banana. Moringa can have medicinal properties, but at the end of the day, it is food first above all. You can take moringa before, during or after meals.

Get Your Hands on This Power Food With Kupah Healthy

Kupah Healthy is always striving to promote a healthier, more organic quality of life for people through phytotherapeutic treatments (use of extracts of natural origins as health-promoting agents). This is why we cannot stop recommending moringa as a healthful and appealing supplement and food.

Hop on the moringa wellness trend and tell your friends about this natural incredible plant and food. If you are already eager to enjoy moringa then look no further. Kupah Healthy sells high quality, fresh and affordable products for you. Shop for moringa products here and order from the comfort of home!

The post How Should I Take Moringa Diet-Wise? appeared first on Kupah Healthy.

Moringa Tree: Side Effects and Risks https://kupahealthy.com/blog/moringa-tree-side-effects-and-risks/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=moringa-tree-side-effects-and-risks Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:03:37 +0000 https://kupahealthy.com/blog/?p=1340 Moringa has been used for centuries due to its medicinal properties and health benefits. However, consumption of this incredible plant does not come without its risks and side effects. If ...

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Moringa has been used for centuries due to its medicinal properties and health benefits. However, consumption of this incredible plant does not come without its risks and side effects.

If you don’t know yet what this plant is or what its properties and benefits are we suggest checking looking them up on the internet or checking our other posts about this incredible “miracle plant.”

Like many supplements, the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) do not monitor moringa. This is why it is essential to understand whether it is safe to use, and what potential side effects there may be.

What Are the Side Effects of Moringa

While Moringa and its leaves are perfectly safe in the main, consuming large quantities of parts such as the bark or pulp may be harmful. Keep in mind that, regardless of what part you use, everything in excess is bad for your health. As long as you exert moderation when consuming this plant, you can avoid the following side effects:

  • Lower blood pressure and slow heart rate because of the alkaloids in the plant
  • Uterine contractions from moringa bark
  • Cell mutations caused by a chemical isolated from roasted moringa seeds
  • Interference with fertility

Additionally, according to scientific data moringa leaves also increased the risk of liver and kidney damage in rats. Do not consume moringa if you are pregnant, taking the diabetes drug Januvia (sitagliptin) or taking drugs that are substrates of the cytochrome P450 family of enzymes.

Consider these Risks of Consuming Moringa

Like many herbs and plants used as remedies, there are risks involved in some way. Although moringa is generally considered safe and edible, there is controversy regarding dosage and parts of it such as the roots or the stems. The roots and stems could be harmful especially in women given that these parts of the plant may act as contraceptive and lead to miscarriage or other problems.

Additionally, there is research showing potentially immunosuppressive and cytotoxic effects of the seeds of the plant. Any extract or supplement containing roots, seeds or stems should be avoided because of its risks.

Finally, there is some medication you should not take alongside this plant superfood, be particularly aware of the following:

  • Levothyroxine
  • Any medication broken down by the liver
  • Diabetes medication
  • High blood pressure medication

Make the Most of Moringa with Healthy Moderation

There can be no doubt, Moringa oleifera is definitely an incredible plant food. Although further testing and research is advisable, there is no doubt that most of moringa’s reputed health benefits are true. However, as it happens with any medicine, the intake of medicinal herbs does come with its risks. Hence the importance of being mindful and exert common sense. Never forget consulting with your doctor If you think moringa may not be advisable for you

Kupah Healthy wants you to lead a healthier, more organic life. Through phytotherapeutic treatments (use of extracts of natural origins as health-promoting agents) we believe we can achieve a greater wellbeing along with a greater quality of life.

We cannot stop recommending moringa as a healthful and appealing supplement to achieve this goal. With Kupah Healthy you can make the most of this incredible plant while pleasing your palate with agreeable flavors, try our moringa products now and boost your immune system. Do not let unexpected maladies or diseases catch you off guard. Order moringa at the comfort of home and stay safe!

The post Moringa Tree: Side Effects and Risks appeared first on Kupah Healthy.

The Health Benefits of Moringa oleifera https://kupahealthy.com/blog/the-health-benefits-of-moringa-oleifera/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-health-benefits-of-moringa-oleifera Tue, 14 Apr 2020 15:43:30 +0000 https://kupahealthy.com/blog/?p=1331 Moringa oleifera is a plant widely praised for its variety of uses for thousands of years. But this plant has also been widely recognized for its health benefits Is very ...

The post The Health Benefits of Moringa oleifera appeared first on Kupah Healthy.

Moringa oleifera is a plant widely praised for its variety of uses for thousands of years. But this plant has also been widely recognized for its health benefits

Is very rich in helpful antioxidants and bioactive compounds. Although scientists so far have only investigated a fraction of the many health benefits this plant provides, here we present 6 of the benefits of Moringa oleifera supported by scientific research.

Moringa oleifera Is Very Nutritious

Moringa, which goes by a variety of names such as drumstick tree, horseradish tree or ben oil tree, is a high-yield plant, for most of its parts are eaten or used as ingredients in traditional herbal medicines.

Particularly its leaf, is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. One cup of fresh, chopped leaves (21 grams) contains proteins, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron, riboflavin (B2), vitamin A (from beta-carotene) and magnesium. However, it is worth mentioning that consuming high amounts does have one downside: excessive moringa consumption can reduce the absorption of minerals and protein. Therefore, as long as you keep its consumption moderate, moringa will do wonders for your diet nutrition-wise.

Moringa oleifera Is Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are compounds that act against free radicals in your body. Several antioxidant plant compounds have been found in the leaves of Moringa oleifera. In addition to the many vitamins and minerals, moringa contains quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that may help lower blood pressure. Chlorogenic acid common in high amounts in coffee is also found in moringa helping regulate blood sugar.

May Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Although most of these have been based on animals, several studies have shown that moringa may help lower blood sugar levels.

A small study in six people with diabetes found that adding 50 grams of moringa leaves to a meal reduced the rise in blood sugar by 21%. Another study in 30 women showed that taking 1.5 teaspoons of moringa leaf powder every day for three months reduced blood sugar levels by 13.5% on average. Scientists believe these effects are caused by plants compounds such as isothiocyanates.

May Reduce Inflammation

In animal and test-tube studies, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. The isothiocyanates found in moringa leaves, pods and seeds may be the main anti-inflammatory compounds according to scientists.

Can Lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol has been associated to an increased risk of heart disease. Fortunately, both animal- and human-based studies have shown that moringa may have similar cholesterol-lowering effects to those of other plant foods such as flaxseeds, oats and almonds.

May Protect Against Arsenic Toxicity

Arsenic contamination of food and water is a problem in many parts of the world. Long-term exposure to high levels of arsenic leads to health problems over time. Interestingly, promising findings seem to show that the seeds and leaves may protect against some of the effects of arsenic toxicity.

Enjoy Moringa Now with Kupah Healthy

There can be no doubt, is definitely an incredible plant food. Although further testing and research is required, most of moringa’s reputed health benefits have been studied and proven scientifically; moreover, is highly nutritious and should be beneficial for people lacking essential nutrients.

Kupah Healthy wants you to lead a healthier, more organic life. Through phytotherapeutic treatments (use of extracts of natural origins as health-promoting agents) we believe we can achieve a greater wellbeing along with a greater quality of life. This is why we cannot stop recommending moringa as a healthful and appealing supplement. With Kupah Healthy you can make the most of this incredible plant while pleasing your palate with agreeable flavors, try our moringa products now and boost your immune system to ward off unexpected diseases and illnesses. Order at the comfort of home and stay safe!

The post The Health Benefits of Moringa oleifera appeared first on Kupah Healthy.
