This article reveals whether garcinia cambogia can help you lose weight and belly fat.
Garcinia Cambogia also known as Malabar tamarind, is one such fruit from South East Asia, offer weight loss benefits by blocking the body’s ability to store fat and even suppressing appetite suppressant for weight loss.
It has many presentation, one of them is extract and pills as a supplement, it can also be added to other products such as coffee learn more about our Kupah Slim Coffee

Does It help to Weight Loss?
Studies in rats show that those given garcinia cambogia supplements tend to eat less
Similarly, some human studies have found that garcinia cambogia suppresses appetite and makes you feel full
Since serotonin is a known appetite suppressant, higher blood levels of serotonin could reduce your appetite (22Trusted Source).
Most importantly, garcinia cambogia impacts blood fats and the production of new fatty acids.
Human and animal studies show that it may lower high levels of fat in your blood and reduce oxidative stress in your body.
One study also suggests it may be especially effective at reducing the accumulation of belly fat in people who are overweight
In one study, moderately obese people took 2,800 mg of garcinia cambogia daily for eight weeks and drastically improved several risk factors for disease :
- Total cholesterol levels: 6.3% lower
- “Bad” LDL cholesterol levels: 12.3% lower
- “Good” HDL cholesterol levels: 10.7% higher
- Blood triglycerides: 8.6% lower
- Fat metabolites: 125–258% more excreted in the urine
The main reason for these effects may be that garcinia cambogia inhibits an enzyme called citrate lyase, which plays an important role in the production of fat.
By inhibiting citrate lyase, garcinia cambogia is thought to slow or block fat production in your body. This may reduce blood fats and lower your risk of weight gain — two major disease risk factors.
Garcinia cambogia may suppress appetite. It also blocks the production of new fats in your body and has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and blood triglycerides in overweight people
What other benefits does Garcinia Cambogia offer?
Animal and test-tube studies suggest that garcinia cambogia may also have some anti-diabetes effects, including:
- Decreasing insulin levels
- Decreasing leptin levels
- Reducing inflammation
- Improving blood sugar control
- Increasing insulin sensitivity
Additionally, garcinia cambogia could boost your digestive system. Animal studies suggest that it helps protect against stomach ulcers and reduce damage to the inner lining of your digestive tract.
Garcinia cambogia is a fruit-derived supplement taken to boost weight loss, however some others studies disagree on its effectiveness.
Some research shows that it may cause slightly more weight loss than not taking any supplement. This effect is unconfirmed but promising.
The positive impacts of garcinia cambogia on blood fats may be its best benefit.
That said, if you really want to lose weight, you might have to combine your diet, lifestyle and add exercise.