Caffeine: everything you need to know. Caffeine is a natural substance that can be extracted from plants. Natural sources of caffeine are coffee beans, tea leaves and cocoa beans.
Caffeine begins to affect your body very quickly. It reaches a peak blood level within 30 to 60 minutes. Caffeine can remain in your body for a long time.
Coffee accounts for 54% of the world’s caffeine consumption, and tea accounts for another 43%. On any given day, about 85% of Americans consume caffeinated products. The average daily consumption of caffeine by adults in the United States is about 300 mg per person.
Caffeine is a product that has both positive and negative effects. These effects depend on the amount of caffeine consumed and when it is consumed, if you are interested in learning everything you need to know about caffeine read on…
Pros and cons of caffeine
The reason most people are so dependent on caffeine is because it gives them energy. Indeed, this often translates to better performance at school and work and moderate caffeine intake even improves mental health sometimes.
Long term health benefits
Contrary to the belief that coffee causes long-term harm to your health, studies have found that regular coffee drinkers had lower risks of cardiovascular disease, liver cancer, and more.
Not just for coffee lovers
Caffeine now comes in many forms for those who don’t enjoy the taste of coffee. You can get your dose in teas, sugary lattes, and even chocolate! But…
Interferes with sleep
Consuming caffeine within 6 hours of your bedtime has been shown to disrupt sleep. Getting enough sleep is already a problem for many students and if caffeine isn’t already part of the problem, it certainly won’t help.
Despite not all caffeine is equal
Most studies about the health benefits of coffee refer to black coffee. The sugar and fat in lattes, sodas, energy drinks, and caffeinated candy bars are not good for your overall health, especially on a regular basis. And while tea has its own benefits, it does not share all the perks of coffee and doesn’t contain nearly as much caffeine.
Make the Most of Moringa with Healthy Moderation
As we have explained, caffeine has many benefits as well as some disadvantages, but, in KUPAH we have the perfect products if you are worried that it will alter you a lot, producing a stressful situation.
We offer you Stress Relief coffee, which is a coffee made with Melissa and Passionflower.
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) seems to be effective in inducing calm and reducing anxiety. Passionflower is used for anxiety, some people take passionflower for insomnia and stress relief.

Kupah Healthy wants you to lead a healthier, more organic life. Through phytotherapeutic treatments (use of extracts of natural origins as health-promoting agents) we believe we can achieve a greater wellbeing along with a greater quality of life.
We cannot stop recommending moringa as a healthful and appealing supplement to achieve this goal. With Kupah Healthy you can make the most of this incredible plant while pleasing your palate with agreeable flavors. Do not let unexpected maladies or diseases catch you off guard. Order our Melissa and Pasiflora made coffee at the comfort of home and stay safe!